Monday, November 10, 2008

Writing Assignments: On Parental Love

Homework: Take a look at this chart. "Three Types of Parenting".

Have your child read the essay and poem here from past Regents' test and decide which parenting style(s) each piece describes. Write some comments on them.

Three Types of Parents : by Grace (a fifth grader)

The Three types of Parents article provides a way to find out what kind of parent your parents are. The various parents are consultant, helicopter, and drill sergeant parents. The chart is about what each variety of parent is like.
A consultant parent is a very kind parent. The parent keeps the child feeling strong. Consultant parents can help their children with a problem without giving them the solution. This parent let's the child be his or her own teacher. The parent can guide their child through life in a good way. This type of parent can use words without actions and still keep their child feeling happy. I would love to have a consultant parent.
A helicopter kind of parent is very overprotective of their child. This parent tells their child about their weaknesses. The parent acts as the teacher and makes the child's decisions. The helicopter parent complains to their child. The parent uses actions more than words in a way that would not make the child feel positive. I would not want this type of parent.
The last of the three types of parents is the drill sergeant type of parent. This parent is like a general in an army. The parent orders the child to do what the parent wants them to do. Also, this parent makes the child’s decisions. This parent gives orders and uses threats and harsh words. The drill sergeant type of parent acts as the child's teacher, but uses pain and humiliation. I would never want this type of parent. I have seen this type of parent before, however. He was a soccer coach. He was screaming orders to his players. I could see and hear him yelling througout the entire game.
I used this chart to see which type of parent my parents were. Mom had 9 consultant votes, 1 helicopter vote, and 1 drill sergeant vote. My mom is therefore a consultant parent. My dad had 6 consultant votes, 1 helicopter vote, and, unfortunately, 4 drill sergeant votes. I must honestly say that my dad does sometimes use pain and harsh words. As a result, dad was a consultant parent but still a bit of a drill sergeant. I still love him since he is my dad.
I was glad that both of my parents were consultant parents.

Go to Grace's site to read more of her entries as well as make some comments on her work.
Posted by AquaFairy at 10:30 AM


  1. Hi Grace,
    This is a very nice journal entry of the Three Types of Parents. You organized it well. I especially like that you added a personal reference to the soccer coach in your paragraph about the drill sergeant type of parent. It helps the reader comprehend the writing better. Nice work!

  2. Great journal entry about the Three Types Of Parents Grace! I liked how you gave your parents points according on how they act.
