Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Run Away Turkey

by Andrew: a fourth grader

So there I was, in the dining room with my friends and family. My Dad just brought out the turkey. He was still fixing the mashed potatoes and corn. All of a sudden, the turkey began growing eyes, feet and feathers. Then it jumped off the table into the soft, warm, coziness of the carpet. He staged there for a few seconds and trotted out the door.

We stayed there stunned, like we were paralyzed. That turkey was stuck out in Times Square! All 4 of us got our coats and looked for our turkey. My Mom just pointed out that we could just buy another turkey, but Dad refused. He insisted that he worked so hard on that turkey. We looked from the Empire State Building, to the Bronx Zoo. That turkey was smart! We finally found him right before he got on the ship to the Statue of Liberty.

At 6:00pm, we finally got to eat. What an adventurous Thanksgiving!


  1. Hi Andrew,
    Wow, what a bizarre Thanksgiving that was! I would be stunned if a turkey ran away from the table towards the Statue of Liberty... I guess I'll have to pay extra attention to the dinner table tomorrow... Haha however, I thought that this story was imaginative and well written. It is the quintessential example of one of writing's many purposes. It had the ability to make anyone smile.

  2. Andrew,
    That's cool that the turkey lived again. I'd be freaked out if my turkey turned alive. The turkey going to the Statue Of Liberty! Now that's out of this world!
