Monday, November 10, 2008

Assignments For This Week

For the week of Nov. 10th

1: Read Treasure Island

Fifteen men on the dead man's chest—
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest—
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Before you begin, read the author's biography first. Here is a short, nice introduction to Robert Louis Stevenson.
Read chapter I - III for this week. Write a one page report on that. Be creative. Since we're all reading the book, you don't need to summarize for us; instead, write about something that intrigues you about the book - the settings, the plot, your reactions, and any predictions for the rest of the novel.

This is our long-term project. Please don't rush through the chapters. We'll gain more insight if we take time to enjoy the book. We'll meet two or three times in-between to discuss the book. One or two parents will be on site to monitor the flow of the discussions. You all need to read the book thoroughly so that you can answer the basic comprehension as well as the more difficult character analysis questions. If you do an adequate job, we can play games and puzzles afterwards, since you all seem to enjoy them.

II: Write at least one journal entry each week.

For this week, your journal entry should either be about sports or about events taking place in your life.

III: Make three comments on three journal entries of your choice.

Lindsey, a high school freshman from Roy C. Ketcham, will also help us run the young writer's club.

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