Saturday, November 22, 2008

What Jim thinks of the captain (Treasure Island)

by Grace, a fifth grader

Jim Hawkins thought a lot of his guest who called himself captain. He observed how the captain and other people acted. Jim compared the country people to him. He saw that the captain was very rude and coarse. The local people were terrified of him. That's because the captain used curses and showed weapons that made the people freeze. Jim thought these moments were entertaining. Even if it sent people home with the horrors.The life was usually boring there anyway. Jim also compared the captain to doctor Mr.Livesy. He noticed how pleasant and polite the doctor was to their guest. The captain with his filthy coat and rudeness was very different from the doctor. Also, how calm and educated the doctor was in talking than the captain with his weird speaking. Then, Jim compared Dr.Livesy to the people who lived near the admiral bow. The people were scared of the captain unlike the doctor who seemed to be braver than the rest of the group. He eventually got the captain to be afraid of him! So that meant the captain had to be polite or he'll regret that he was ever rude to the people. Jim also found that Blackdog and the captain were very pirate like. Both had gone to sea and are rough people.

Jim seemed to like the captain being at their place and the captain seemed to have a liking to him. Jim used lots of details to make it easy for me to see how he saw each person. I think it's good to observe the things around you.That's because you need to know all the things that are going on in life.

Read more of Grace's writing


  1. A story, normally, contains a lot of characters. Usually, each one is unique. You keenly pointed out that Jim made comparisons between people. The sentences you wrote to support those comparisons really provided a good analysis of roles in the text (especially between Dr.Livesy and the captain).

  2. Hi Grace,
    Your comparisons between characters exhibits your thorough analysis of the novel. You picked up a lot of nuances of the text and applied it to your journal entry. I fully agree with you in that it is important to observe the events and occurences around you. It's good to be aware of your surroundings.

  3. Good job Grace,
    I think you chose a really good topic about the book,treasure island.I would have never thought to describe and compare the captain to others.I agree with you that Jim took a good look at his guests.I can't wait to see more of your posts!:)

