Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Summer Writing : from Michael, a 7th grader

Have you ever wondered how high a person can throw something, or the effects of having a moneyprinter on the world's economy ? Those sort of questions will be answered by cartoonist Randall Munroe in his popular book "What If?". 

"What If? by Randall Munroe is a book that answers absurd, hypothetical questions with legitimate answers or predictions. 

Randall Munroe answers these strange questions in great detail. Along with a whole lot of research he had to do. He also includes many humorous cartoons that relate to the question being asked. One example of this is on page 125 when he includes a cartoon of two people in a blizzard. One says that they will get frostbite if exposed to cold much longer. The other states that "A fever would cancel that out right ? Good thing I didn't get my flu shot". This cartoon is very funny because the question being asked is "If global warming puts us in danger through temperature rise, and super-volcanoes put us into the danger of global cooling, shouldn't those two dangers balance each other out?". 

The use of humorous and sarcastic cartoons is one of the reasons that I deeply enjoy this book. Those with a curious mind will find "What If?" a very enjoyable read. Personally, this books is one of my favorite books of all time. I highly recommend this book to everyone because of the book's crazy content and hilarious cartoons.

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